Carrying your cross means being quiet when somebody slaps you and not retaliating, not thinking evil in your heart regarding anybody, no matter how bad they are or how much they have hurt you. But rather praying for them and asking God to change that person's heart. Giving to those who are needy without holding back, not caring about what you will eat because you know God will provide for you and if He does not, you know it is for a reason.
Carrying your cross means not grumbling when things don't go your way. Giving thanks in ALL situation, in ALL circumstances, even when you have cancer, terminal illness, and God has not healed you . Do you count it all joy? for the sake of Christ?. Count the cost! my friend, really count! the cost before taking your cross to follow Jesus. It will cost you EVERYTHING!
No wonder most people have counted the cost and found it to be too expensive, to restrictive, too self denying, too spiritual, too time consuming, too ordinary, and have looked elsewhere for another jesus that will give them ONLY what they desire and that desire does not include suffering whatsoever.
Have you counted the cost and still desire to carry your cross and follow Jesus?.