Sunday, November 10, 2013

Put This To The Test - Alex Jones, James Corbett, Paul Watson, Art Bell...


"Persecution or a Great Awakening" - Paul Washer

God Promised- My Words Will Never Pass Away (+playlist)

What is the Good News (+playlist)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Matthew 13 - End of the World, Reapers, Parable of the Sower


Saturday, October 19, 2013

With All I Am

Jesus is the ONLY reason why I live. My heart belongs to Him always. Though my world my crumble, though others desert me. My confidence will be in Christ Jesus. My eternal peace and joy. The one that holds me when I am down. The one that comforts me amidst  trials and tribulations. Please do not forsake me. Keep your body(The Church/Elect) spiritually safe. I truly love you Jesus.

His Grace Is Sufficient For Us

Be Strong In Your Faith In Jesus. No Matter What

Friday, October 18, 2013

Countdown To The Tribulation

The Mark Of The Beast Has Finally Arrived!

God's word is real. The world as we know it is about coming to an end. Read Revelation 13. We true Christians in the past believed God by faith when He said this day would come. Now we can see it in addition to faith in God. Seek God while He may be found. DO NOT HAVE A MICROCHIP IMPLANTED in your body for WHATEVER REASON. You will become a ROBOT incapable of making your own decisions any more. BE like the 5 wise Virgins. Be ready for Jesus is around the corner. The devil is a liar and the father of all liars. They are lying to you now. Making it seem like you are the one making the choice. In the very NEAR FUTURE, it will be mandatory. IF you are not chipped, you cannot buy food, rent, work, drive, etc. Instead of partying and going about your daily life, seek God earnestly to keep you faithful until the very end. Read Matthew 24 and may God bless you as you do. Start seeking genuine Christians that will enable you to persevere till the end. VERY DANGEROUS days are ahead of us. May God truly help us

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: Jesus is Lord?

Following Judah's Lion: Jesus is Lord?: JESUS IS LORD? Col.1: 15  Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 16  For by him were all thi...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013


THE NARROW GATE: WHEN GOD DOESN'T PROVIDE A RAM IN THE THICKET.: WHEN GOD DOESN'T PROVIDE A RAM IN THE THICKET. A. Brother           “When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham...


THE NARROW GATE: WHEN GOD DOESN'T PROVIDE A RAM IN THE THICKET.: WHEN GOD DOESN'T PROVIDE A RAM IN THE THICKET. A. Brother           “When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham...


THE NARROW GATE: WHAT IS WHISPERED IN YOUR EAR, PROCLAIM FROM THE R...: PROCLAIM FROM THE ROOFS A. Brother              “What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight.  What is whispered in your ear, ...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


THE NARROW GATE: WOE TO THE FALSE TEACHERS AMONG US.: FALSE TEACHERS DOMINATE THE MEDIA A. Brother “But there were false prophets among the people, just as there will be false tea...

Monday, August 12, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: Jesus and the Old Testament

Following Judah's Lion: Jesus and the Old Testament: RECONCILING THE OLD TESTAMENT REVELATION OF GOD and THE REVELATION OF THE GOD JESUS   I f you believe that the narratives...

Following Judah's Lion: Jesus and the Old Testament

Following Judah's Lion: Jesus and the Old Testament: RECONCILING THE OLD TESTAMENT REVELATION OF GOD and THE REVELATION OF THE GOD JESUS   I f you believe that the narratives...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: Christianity is Jesus

Following Judah's Lion: Christianity is Jesus: CHRISTIANITY IS JESUS I do not pretend to be the protector of the Holy Grail. In fact, I do not pretend to be anything. But to...

Following Judah's Lion: Christianity is Jesus

Following Judah's Lion: Christianity is Jesus: CHRISTIANITY IS JESUS I do not pretend to be the protector of the Holy Grail. In fact, I do not pretend to be anything. But to...

Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: Christ is Our Life

Following Judah's Lion: Christ is Our Life: CHRIST IS OUR LIFE   Rom.12: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sac...

Friday, July 5, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: Who is on the Lord's Side?

Following Judah's Lion: Who is on the Lord's Side?: WHO IS ON THE LORD'S SIDE? Josh.5: 13  And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and look...

Holy Desperation

Beloved in Christ Jesus please visit the website Holydesperation,com and you will be truly blessed. You will find true men of God preaching the true gospel. You will be stirred in your heart through their messages to draw near to God. And please tell others to visit the site and we will all be blessed in Jesus mighty name Amen.

Two groups

We have two groups of so called christians. One is the real deal and the other one a fake or counterfit.
The genuine christians will always be drawn to pastors, preachers, prophets, and people that are also genuine believers. While on the other hand, the fake so called "christians" will be drawn to false teachings, pastors, and people that will keep leading them down the path of delusion and destruction.

Their fruits is all you need to look out for to see who is in control of their lives. There is a life of godliness, purity, gentleness, a more drawing towards the things that will make one to grow spiritually in a true christian. The Holy Ghost is the one who does the work. He guides them towards holy and righteous living. When a false teaching is presented, they pick it up right away and stay clear of it. Their life honors God.

The fake christian on the other hand minds the things of this world. It is all about them. How God will bless them, make them rich, prosper them, remove ALL trials and tribulations in there lives, God should enable them to live a stress free life, kill all their enemies. In short just all about them and no one else. They are of their father the devil. He has always wanted the attention shifted from God to himself. SELFISHNESS.

The genuine christian wants God to be honored in all the do. They want Jesus to increase in their life while they decrease. They want to be a blessing to others rather than others blessing them. They want the kingdom of God to progress and want all souls to be truly saved. They will ask God to give them the grace and enableness to go through trials and tribulations.

By their fruits you will know them. That is how to spot a genuine believer from a fake one. God richly bless you.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: Arise From Your Sleep

Following Judah's Lion: Arise From Your Sleep: ARISE FROM YOUR SLEEP Eph.5: 14  Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give t...

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Western World Failing

Article from  Thanks as always for allowing us to further the trurh to other.

Why the Western World is Deliberately Failing
By Don Hank ~  June 28, 2013
"The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means;
and my people love to have it so…" Jeremiah 5:31  
"In You I put my trust!"
The scientific method, while still used in scientific experiments in the laboratory and clinic, has long been abandoned in the persuasive arts, notably journalism, but also in politics. Any journalist analyzingfacts based on logic and science instead of accepting the interpretation of our universe handed down from above would soon lose their job. We have long lived in an anti-scientific, and hence, an anti-natural, world and are now reaping the inevitable rewards of our denial of truth.
If we were to be honest with ourselves for just a brief moment, we would admit that Western society is deeply sinful (or in secular terms, unwholesome) and even worships sin, celebrating it with carnivals and gay parades, and teaching young children how to perform sex acts in schools. And of course, the Western world routinely commits infanticide. Romans 1:25 describes the Western world to a “t” (Paul uses homosexuals as an example but this issue ranges far wider than that):
"...God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator." (Romans 1:24-25)
The end of that discourse on sinners describes the outcome.
"…men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." (Romans 1:27)
A graphic depiction of some of that recompense for this particular group of sinners can be found here. I referenced that site in my commentary “The recompence of their error.
So why do people deliberately engage in self-destructive practices that our otherwise superior intelligence should be telling us to avoid for the purposes of self preservation? Or for that matter, why do they pursue Keynesian economics amassing mountains of debt that no one could ever repay in a headlong rush to destroy our economy, our means of survival? No animal species would do that.
The answer is right there in Paul’s discourse, and this is the part Christians need to focus on when analyzing the causes of Western society’s failure to manage its laws, its immigration, its social ills, its fruitless wars, its finances and economy, its moral code, etc:
"Because of thisGod gave them over to shameful lusts." (Romans 1:26)
And several verses later:
"God gave them over to a reprobate mind." (Romans 1:28)
Did you ever consider what that means?
GOD facilitates the destruction of the disobedient and the ungrateful by abandoning the disobedient to their own sinful desires. Paul is talking about people who worship nature instead of the Creator because they were ungrateful to Him for the blessings of life. Why would people who once worshipped nature turn around and do something unnatural, as Paul calls this behavior in this same passage?
A person analyzing this without spiritual discernment might say this incongruence makes no sense and would be at a loss to explain it in rational terms. Some spiritually blind (but otherwise intelligent) analysts say that for this reason, Paul couldn’t really have meant “unnatural” when describing this behavior, and they therefore tweak the translation from the original Greek to make it say something else. (They forget that in the 4th Century, Jerome, a fluent speaker of koine Greek, rendered this term as “contra naturam” in his translation  of the Vulgate Latin Bible).
The fact is, God routinely allows people to do the unnatural—committing acts outside the laws of nature that can’t be explained by any scientific (e.g., psychological) laws. Once you turn your back on God, He abandons you and you fall into a behavior pattern designed by Satan. There is nothing natural about sinful behavior because it was not designed by God.
So if it is not natural, then is it supernatural?
No, it is not. Since God performs supernatural works—that is, works that are above nature—then Satan’s works and the works of humans gone over to the dark side might best be considered as infranatural, or beneath nature.
An animal would not destroy its own economy – its food stores, for example – the way Westerner “leaders” are now doing, most notably in the Euro Zone and the US through irrational banking practices and eradication of home industry and cheap energy by legal and regulatory means (even as they encourage other nations, notably China, to use cheap energy and high carbon combustion in competing with the West).
Nor would an animal devote itself almost solely to the pursuit of sex, especially homosex, the way many humans do (although bisexuality is known in the animal kingdom, there are no known strictly homosexual animal individuals that eschew all individuals of the opposite sex).
Such infranatural phenomena are exactly why we face an imminent worldwide economic collapse. Economists, supposedly specialists in math, no longer use mathematics in their convoluted Keynesian calculations. Likewise, otherwise educated people who understand human anatomy deliberately and routinely utilize as an inlet a bodily organ designed as an outlet, a lifestyle that often leads to horrific diseases and death (see here).
But as Paul says, amazingly, GOD facilitates this mindlessness by abandoning those who abandon God — including His scientific laws. Because people stopped trusting in Him and thought they could come up with their own answers.
Look around you. How do you like the results of Western secularist, humanist political, diplomatic, economic, social, military, etc, behavior? Vote for either candidate and you will get more of the same. Look at Europe. An entire continent that thinks it is smarter than God is now drowning in debt and fighting for its economic life. If this is not sufficient evidence of the God that Paul describes, i.e., a God who deprives disobedient humans of their cognitive faculties, then I can’t imagine what is.
This is why the West does not need more laws or a better government.
It needs a spiritual revival. And that revival will not happen without Westerners accepting the love, forgiveness and righteousness that Jesus taught, making a sincere attempt to do what is morally right as dictated by our God-given conscience. Americans, including the best and otherwise most civil and decent of us, are beating each other up because we think this is about people or the lack of wisdom of individuals or leaders. If people do this or that, or if we make this or that law or elect this or that politician, then we can get back on track. “How can this group or that group be so stupid?” they say of those who disagree with them.
But again, they ignore Paul’s teachings, as recorded in another letter of his:
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."  Ephesians 6:12-13
If you think this is too lofty and ethereal to relate to your life and the world around you, consider the antithesis. For example, the article below describes John Maynard Keynes, a homosexual and pedophile who authored our current failed economic system. Bailouts rewarding bad business and banking practices and other government interventions that kill free enterprise were his brain child:
If we take to heart Paul’s message in Romans 1:25-27, we can easily see it was no coincidence that Keynes was both a sexual deviant (pedophile, homosexual, etc) and the author of the most perverted economic system known to humankind.
There can be no logical or scientific explanation for Keynes’ self-destructive lifestyle and destructive teachings, or of an entire civilization deliberately patterning itself after him, destroying itself economically and morally with no apparent justification. These examples of a West deliberately weakening and sabotaging itself are the best examples of unquestionably infranatural phenomena.
As incredible as it may seem to those imbued with the rigid doctrinaire humanism that is foisted on Western society by an incessant drumbeat in media, schools and universities, in cinema and on the street, Paul’s brief discourse on a God having given people up to a reprobate mind is emerging as the default explanation of a civilization marching resolutely to its utter economic and moral ruin.
So why is this explanation for Western civilization’s failure never raised in the churches of our nation?
Perhaps because God is giving our most of our clergy over to the very same reprobate mind that Paul spoke of. They interpret the scriptures as though they were hopelessly outdated when in fact, these ancient writings offer the only glimpse of sanity – and hope – that is left in our reprobate world.
" all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: The 4th of July = Baal Worship

Following Judah's Lion: The 4th of July = Baal Worship: THE 4 TH OF JULY BAAL WORSHIP T he word “Baal” is generally used to represent the god of gods and is considered a pagan dei...

Friday, June 21, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: Important Issues

Following Judah's Lion: Important Issues: IMPORTANT ISSUES O ver 100,000 people have been killed in the Syrian civil war. There have been well over that wounded, and 1.5 m...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hard Times Ahead

  How Will You Handle Hard Times Ahead?
    By Paul Proctor  ~ Free-lance writer
               "He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength
 is made perfect in weakness.' "  
2 Corinthians 12:9-10

June 11, 2013
It’s time to prepare for hard times, my friends. And, if you’re a bible-believing, Christ-following Christian, I believe the coming years will be particularly troublesome. I say “bible-believing, Christ-following Christian” because our degenerating culture has all but stripped the biblical definition of the word “Christian” from today’s collective conscience so that it has lost much of it’s scriptural meaning, even among many of today’s attending church members.
The enemies of Christ have clearly risen to great power in this country and are, even as I write, busy endeavoring to finish off what remains of the church for the purpose of replacing it with a god and religion more suitable for global government. Though they may well in time take possession of the many debt-heavy mega churches and other grand houses of worship around the country in order to turn them into federally-subsidized community centers for faith-based social services, they won’t be successful at completely silencing or eliminating the true body of Christ who will likely be forced to abandon them in order to keep hearing and proclaiming God’s Word uncensored. Unless the Lord Himself intervenes to alter the current course of events, those now in power will most certainly rule over us for a season–and an arduous one at that.
Considering all the unbiblical as well as unconstitutional legislation, it’s looking more and more like faithful Christians could soon be viewed as enemies of the state for no other reason than having believed, proclaimed, and obeyed the Word of God. Not only is the church being attacked from without, it is also being undermined from within by charlatans who would transform it into something more spiritually pliable, socially useful and dialectically accommodating.
I believe Christians will again and again be called upon to choose whom we will serve in the coming days in ways that will bring more persecution and suffering than we are accustomed to, requiring a spiritual farsightedness and desire for the eternal things of God over the temporal rewards of this world.
We need to be ready. We need to be willing. And we need to be empowered, not by the mere passion of patriotic zeal, but by the Holy Spirit of God and His Word. It is not we against them –it is an angry and rebellious world against God, and we would do well to remember that when the devil comes knocking at our door demanding more tolerance, diversity and unity.
Vengeance is not ours – that belongs to the Lord, as He clearly states in His Word. Those who live by the sword will surely die by it – again, not my words – His.
When our Constitution and Bill of Rights are completely discarded for the New World Order, there will be no going back to the way things were. There will only be the Word of God to edify, encourage, inspire, and sustain us through the hard times ahead. Those who understand and appreciate the power of that Word know very well what I’m talking about. Those who don’t will ignore it at their own peril because to them, it is foolishness.
Best we get into His Word now more earnestly and take it to heart in preparation for a time when bibles are no longer allowed or even legal, than get caught spiritually ignorant and scripturally unarmed when temptation and tribulation come.
"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."  (Hebrews 4:12)


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: Babylon Continues its Party

Following Judah's Lion: Babylon Continues its Party: BABYLON CONTINUES ITS PARTY b ut THE SPIRIT CALLS THOSE WHO WILL HEAR Jam.4: 4  Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not...

Following Judah's Lion: Babylon Continues its Party

Following Judah's Lion: Babylon Continues its Party: BABYLON CONTINUES ITS PARTY b ut THE SPIRIT CALLS THOSE WHO WILL HEAR Jam.4: 4  Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not...

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: Searching for Jesus

Following Judah's Lion: Searching for Jesus: SEARCHING FOR JESUS T he orthodox community is a loose collection of Christian believers who generally believe in the author...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Jesus Our God

God came down from Heaven.
He took on human flesh.
He became man.
Just to die to give you eternal death.
Adam caused all men to die.
Jesus caused all men to have life.
Eternal life. People eternal life,

How much more can we convey this message to you?.
We are truly doomed for death.
It is not obvious at all to the visible eye.
But look very closely.
You are headed for death. Eternal death.
You do not believe me now?.
You will when your life ends here on earth.

God became man for your sake.
Did you hear me?
God became man for your sake.
That you may find eternal life in Him alone.
This opportunity is open to you now.
But it will never ever be when you die without Him.
I pray you find Jesus while He may be found.


How To Protect Your Child
From the New Age  and Spiritual Deception

 A Parable
High on a ridge overlooking the valley stood the King, framed in the sun’s fading light. His form rose like a monument of unyielding strength. Above his head swirled hostile, black clouds.
Raging winds snatched at his coat. Yet, he who could quell their assault with a word refused to be distracted. He had fixed his eyes on the valley below. Capturing each tiny detail, he traced the movement of gathering armies. Suddenly, his gaze rested on a shadowy form hidden from ordinary sight. Anger and agony flashed across his noble face.
“I created that imposter,” he mused, “but the Prince of Darkness only loved himself. I made him strong and beautiful, but he used my gifts to build his own throne. Did he imagine that his mutinous force could quench my power and hinder my plan? Has he spoken his own lies so often that he has deceived himself as well as my people? His foolish pride kindled this war, but soon even his blinded slaves will see the triumph of my kingdom.”
The King’s focus moved from the enemy headquarters to the city nearby. Its people slept unconcerned, smug, and oblivious to the scheming, waiting legions.
Tears stung the King’s eyes as he spoke to the city he loved. “If only you had listened,” he whispered softly. “If only you knew. But you ignored my warnings and went your own way. You followed your own foolish dreams—lies and deceptions that were more pleasant to your ears than my saving truth.
"My dear people, open your eyes and see! I came to love and care for you, but you turned away. The thief came to steal, kill, and destroy, and you worship him. If you only knew where you are heading!”
Far below, near the edge of the city, where the forest opened to a wide clearing, the grim armies merged into a ghostly, quaking mass. Suddenly, without a sound, a message burst into their consciousness: The prince has arrived. As one, they bowed in fearful surrender, breathing their salute, “Hail, Prince of Darkness! Master of the Force! Hail!”
Before them rose the tall, dark figure of the prince. “My friends,” he purred, “I hear you have done well!”
A wave of relief swept over the mass.
“Report your progress!” his voice cracked like a whip over the trembling slaves. “Have you captured the city? Are its people ready to follow?”
Silence hung like an ominous sword striking terror into the hearts of the trembling warriors. Brash tyrants away from their master, they cowered like frightened dogs in his presence. Finally, a creature stepped forward. “Sir, the coup is almost complete. The city has yielded to your control.”
“How did you win their allegiance?” demanded the prince.
“We followed your plan, Sir. You told us to target the children, to reform their schools, pollute their movies and music, infiltrate their churches—”
“Stop, stop! I want details. Who handled the schools?”
“I did, Sir.” A burly figure lumbered to the front line. Under the heavy shrouded cowl, which hid his features, his body was shaking.
“Explain your strategy.”
“We followed our ancient plan, Sir. You told us to change labels to fit contemporary tastes—and it worked. First, we whispered doubts about the King’s repulsive Book of Truth. Then we planted tantalizing visions of the New World into the minds of educators. We showed them irresistible images of their own greatness, the power of Self, the pleasures of sex, and the peace of global unity under your mighty reign.”
“Slow down and describe their response.”
“Those open to transformation were thrilled with their new discoveries. They quickly fit your ideas into their curriculum.”
“Is that all?”
“No, there’s much more! We also told them that the King’s values hinder the freedom, growth, and happiness of Self. To build a better world, they must discard obsolete boundaries and pave new paths to higher consciousness and spiritual oneness.
Quick to catch on, the kids are learning to ridicule the King’s archaic standards and narrow-minded subjects. Soon they’ll hate all who oppose your plan!” He giggled.
“Well done,” grimaced the prince, “but control yourself.”
Scanning the dark mass, he shouted, “Who’s in charge of music?”
A squat, slinking creature crept forward. “I am, Sir.”
“Report your progress!”
“We have revived your fool-proof formula: drugs, chants, sensual delights, and throbbing drums. This formula blocks logic, dulls reason, and keeps our connections open. We show them a good time—and make sure they come back for more. With more advanced subjects, we no longer hide your identity. They crave your savage malevolence.”
“Well done!” The prince rubbed his hands together in sardonic glee before he shouted, “Next! Who transformed television?”
“We did,” answered a shrill voice. A short, stocky figure pushed his way to the front. “One battalion loaded cartoons with wizards amid superheroes winning battles by your cosmic energy. Kids want supernatural power, so we’ve showed them yours. Camouflaged, of course.”
“Splendid!” The prince’s cruel voice rose excitedly. “Soon they’ll want more, and when they’re hooked, they too will be glad to see me. Ha! I will be their god, and they will learn a new form of worship! Go on. Tell me more.”
“We have been showing our vision for the New World Order to reporters, producers, and writers,” he snickered. “We convinced them that the King’s values block progress. Today children choose their own way—r rather, our way. . .”
“My way, you mean!” shrieked the prince.
“Your way, Sir!” quaked the commander.
“You met no resistance?”
“Not much. Your brilliant ideas usually excite them.”
“What about the King’s subjects?”
“Many don’t notice. Since we keep them too busy to study the Book of Truth, they can’t tell your plan from the King’s. Those who notice are afraid to speak up, and the few fools who do complain face our correction squad. Ridicule and exclusion usually silence them.” A cacophony of cheers arose.
For a moment, the prince gazed silently into that dark mass of veiled warriors. Fear and hatred, not love and loyalty, bound these miserable subjects to do his bidding.
“Watch every rebellious subject!” he shouted. “Find loopholes in their armor. Distract and discourage those who pray. And above all, hinder their use of the Book.”
Lightning cracked the sky, and the distant thunder grew to a deafening roar. But the King kept his watchful position high above the city, waiting for the precise moment . . .
Suddenly he raised his right arm. “Be still,” he cried into the storm. And the storm stilled around the summit.
He raised his left arm, and a battalion of soldiers dressed in white appeared before him.
“It is time! I have awakened my remnant. I have spoken to all who have ears to hear and eyes to see. To everyone not blinded and bound by deception. To those who have not bowed to the Prince of Darkness.”
“I have told them to rise, take their swords, and fight for their families and children. You must take your positions at their sides. Sing with them the song of victory, then conquer the forces of evil in the name of the King.”
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." 
Revelation 12:11

Thank you Berit Kjos for allowing us to use your articles to promote the kingdom of our Lord and King Jesus.

Friday, May 31, 2013

My God

I think of God all the Time. No matter how busy i am, He is always on my mind. I don't always do what He wants me to do. But i am relying on Him to guide me back to Him through Jesus Christ my Lord and King. The world system has a way of making us busy, but we MUST spend QUALITY time with God. God is my strength in this weary land. We are truly sorry for not walking in your way at ALL times. A loving God you are, full of compassion and ready ro forgive those who are genuinely repentant.

Sometimes we don't know what to do, where to start from. But God will direct our path if we obey and keep His commandments. His commandments are not grievious. Sometimes life weighs heavily on us but the joy of the Lord is our strength. God is ever present in times of we need, but we must show ourselves faithful in return. Jesus will never let you down, He will not let you fall. He is never weary and will not let you fall. Jesus is there to help and keep us secured from the storm.

It is good to acknowledge God in all we do. He is real whether we believe it or not. The universe belongs to Him and one day, we will all see Him for who He is. May we be on God's side when that happens. Search for Him on your own and you will find Him. I have learnt to rely on God for everything in my life, In weakness and in strength, in plenty and in lack, in sickness and in health, in times of peace and in times of trouble. God is my back bone.

I truly, truly, truly, love you from the bottom of my heart Lord for all you do for me.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: As He is, so Are We in this World

Following Judah's Lion: As He is, so Are We in this World: AS HE IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD I Jn.4: 17  Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgm...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: Reject the Lies

Following Judah's Lion: Reject the Lies: REJECT THE LIES   Rom.3: 9 What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles...

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: Prayer

Following Judah's Lion: Prayer: PRAYER   A little boy lifted his bow toward heaven and shot his arrow skyward. It went twenty feet and fell to the ground. He ...

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Following Judah's Lion: When Wolves Become Shepherds

Following Judah's Lion: When Wolves Become Shepherds: WHEN WOLVES BECOME SHEPHERDS Acts 20: 28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Gho...

The Door Of Your Heart

Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who for the joy set before Him endured the cross. Jesus died that He might grant eternal life to as many as believe in Him. One of the things i like about God is that He gives you the free will to serve Him. He will never force you to obey or believe in Him. Even though there are consequences for disobeying Him. God will allow you to live life the way YOU want to while you are here on earth. But a day of reckoning will come after you are dead. Can you imagine; God giving you a life time in the hope that you would believe Him.

There are other religion that forces you to believe their god. if you don't it is off with your head. Is that really love?, is that true worship?, are they following this god willingly or are they afraid of the consequences of not following that god. You see the bible makes it very clear that if you do not believe in Him (The true life Giver), then you will believe a lie or lies. It's that simple. That is why it is amazing to see people believe in evolution. Simple absurd. Has anybody seen evolution in progress?.  The devil says we are from apes but The God of the universe says we are wonderfully and fearfully made. Even if a choice has to be made, how can you choose an ape version as oppose to being wonderfully made in the image of God Himself.

Oh we have been judged and found wanting. Most people do not want to believe the bible as God's word because they love sin (their life style) very much. Because if you believe the bible, then you will be forced to give up your life as you know it. For example sleeping around with as many people as you choose, you will also give up lying, cheating, hating (KKK, Nazi, etc), backbiting, adultery, smoking, drinking, clubbing, idol worship, just to mention a few. It is to much of a sacrifice. It is too much to give up, Our life will become boring.  But the bible says not to love the world nor the things in it. What part of not loving the world do you not understand?.

I am a big fan of watching ID TV. It tells you about what man's heart is made up of and how we truly need a savior. Try it! watch ID TV and you will believe God when He said the heart of man is desperately wicked. Thank God for God. Thank God we have a solution to our life's problems if not we are all doomed and all men most miserable. Man killing fellow man, fathers killing their children for life insurance, the lists goes on. Thank God Jesus died on the cross to redeem us back to God. You may not believe what i am saying now (i really earnestly pray that you do.) but you will the day you take your last breath on this earth. The truth will become crytal clear then, but it came clear too late for you.

The world around us is rapidly changing for the worse. Don't believe me?. Do an Internet search of news around the world and you will be frighten by all the terrible news. It is simple unbelievable. The devil is bent on destroying the human race. He is busy causing chaos which will lead to WW3.  Be watchful , be VERY! watchful because it is unfolding right before our eyes. God shows these things to His obedient children. So we are not surprise when these things are unfolding before us. I watch the news and laugh while others are surprised and perplexed. Laughing in the sense that the devil is the one causing these problems and people are so blind that they cannot see it. Ask God to open your eyes. Pray sincerely and He will.

The door will eventually be closed one day. Make sure you are IN the ark when that door is shot and not outside it. You know what happened to those that were outside. Do not let history repeat itself in your life. Do not be left behind, Today is the day of salvation. Do not put it off any longer. Jesus is at the door of your heart knocking. Open the door and allow him in. You will never regret that decision.  You either open the door of your heart to God or else you will open it to the devil.God bless you.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Culture Of Peace?

Excerpts from UNESCO's

Perhaps you are wondering how this could be happening in America. What happened to free speech? To religious freedom? To kindness?
Remember the paradigm shift. The new paradigm changed all the rules. The globalist meaning for tolerance permits no tolerance for Christianity. An international "Declaration on Tolerance," prepared by UNESCO and signed by member nations," defined the new global standard. All nations would be responsible for fulfilling this international contract by teaching the "right" kind of tolerance. Though America didn't sign, our schools are leading the way.
As you read these excerpts from UNESCO's international contract on tolerance, ask yourself, "Can Christian children really "appreciate" what God forbids? Look up Deuteronomy 18:9-13, Romans 1:18-32 and I Corinthians 10:11, then follow its twisted logic below:
  • "Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures... It is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement.[appreciating lifestyles that clash with our faith?]
  • "Tolerance... involves the rejection of dogmatism and absolutism..." [especially God's moral guidelines]
  • "Tolerance... means that one's views are not to be imposed on others." [Would this end our freedom to share the gospel with others?]
  • "Intolerance... is a global threat."
  • "Scientific studies and networking should be undertaken to coordinate the international community's response to this global challenge, including analysis... of root causes and effective countermeasures, as well as research and monitoring..."
  • "Tolerance promotion and the shaping of attitudes of openness, mutual listening and solidarity should take place in schools and universities, and through non-formal education... at home and in the workplace." [How will they reach into homes? Would non-formal education also include youth centers where students can play and "re-learn" after school?] 
  • "Promote rational tolerance teaching methods that will address the cultural, social, economic, political and religious sources of intolerance -- major roots of violence and exclusion." [Are Christian moral values equated with violence?]
This amoral standard for right and wrong has permeated teacher's colleges, educational laboratories, and curricula for decades. It has torn down God's boundaries, and allowed immorality and deception to flood our land. No wonder children are adrift in a tumultuous current of inner conflict and moral confusion. See Tolerance as a Tool for Transformation
God warned us long ago that this would happen: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil... Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight." (Isaiah 5:20)

Be Still And Know He Is God

Be still and know that He is God. That is what God said in the Book of Psalms. No matter what comes your way, be it financial problems, the banks, creditors, you name it.They  may be after you day and night, bank over draft, no food to eat, almost facing foreclosure, can't pay your child's tuition, no job. Be still and know indeed that The Lord is God. He will see you through ALL your storms. I mean ALL your storms. Only believe, and obey Him and watch God's salvation and deliverance on your life.

The devil wants you to be "wearied out", he wants you to be overwhelmed with the cares and trouble of this world. But be still and know He is God. Lean on Him no matter what you are passing through. Do not be discouraged by that illness that you or your loved one are passing through.  You may not see the physical evidence, but have strong faith in God. Bury yourself in His word and you will draw mighty strength from it. You are more than a conqueror through Christ that strengthens you. Stop living above your means, stop coping other peoples life styles. It will only lead you to more debt and enslavement.

Be still and know that He is God. Sleep peacefully through the storm. Relax in the storm. Our God is in control.

In Your Time and Let's Forget About Ourselves

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Falling Away

This Article from
Thank you very much for allowing us to spread the word of truth.

11-05-11 The Falling Away
Rapture or Apostasy, Which Shall It Be?

2Thess 2:3Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Recently I came across a video from a man who was promoting a particular interpretation of this scripture in which he claimed there was no such thing as an end times apostasy. The man was a dispensationalist and a believer in the pre-tribulation rapture of the church so I could see from the beginning that his views would be shaped by that filter. After watching the video I realized I had heard this interpretation during my days as a pre-trib adherent and even then it didn’t quite work for me.
The gist of the presentation was that the falling away referred to in 2Thessalonians 2:3 was not a reference to apostasy or a departure from the faith but rather a reference to the rapture itself. This is why most pre-tribber’s believe they will not know the identity of the anti-christ, first comes the rapture then the man of sin, the son of perdition (aka the anti-christ) will be revealed.
In the video, the presenter asserted that the Greek word (apostasia) translated as falling away literally means departure. On that basis he insisted that the departure must be a literal departure from the earth, ie; the rapture. He went on to declare that the whole idea of a latter days falling away from the faith was a complete misunderstanding. There would be no apostasy at all but rather a great outpouring of Gods Spirit based on Joel 2:28
And it shall come to pass afterward, [that] I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
Claiming that there cannot be a falling away and an outpouring of Gods spirit at the same time he encouraged his listeners not to worry about deception. Rather they should rejoice and get ready because the rapture is sure to happen any time now.
Normally when I hear stuff like this I just shake my head, say wow, and set it aside. Unless I am specifically asked to respond to the teaching I generally let it go. I have found that it is often frustrating and unfruitful to hack through this Gordian knot of false teaching, all based on the faulty foundation of dispensationalism. But in this case I found it necessary to respond because a few days later I got a private email from the man in the video asking for permission to post it on our FaceBook page.
I politely declined, telling him I was familiar with the video and I felt he was completely wrong in his exegesis. He wrote back saying that he was willing to change his doctrine if I could show him chapter and verse where he was wrong. Well, OK, here we go.
2Thessalonians 2:1-3Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for [that Day will not come] unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,
The word translated falling away is the Greek word apostasia. I have no problem with rendering the meaning as a departure. It can also be understood as a defection or a forsaking. If you want to insist on departure as the only valid meaning, that’s fine but you still must answer the question, a departure from what. Those who hold to the pre-tribulation rapture view answer that question by saying it is a departure from the earth. But if one looks at the overall context, that cannot be the correct understanding because the events of verse three (falling away and revelation of the man of sin) refer to the subject spoken of in verse one. That subject is the coming of the Lord and our gathering together to Him.
Our gathering together to the Lord is itself a sort of departure from the earth. We know this from other scriptures that speak of the same event.
Mat 24:31And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
Here we see that all the elect, both living and dead will be gathered together to him at his coming.
1Thess 4:17Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Again we see a gathering together in the air to be with the Lord. There should be no doubt that all three of these accounts refer to the same event, the return of the Lord and our gathering together to him. So if the gathering in 2Thess 2:1 is a departure from the earth, the falling away must refer to something else otherwise the verse makes no sense. In essence it would be saying our gathering together to the Lord cannot happen until it happens. Or it would be like me saying I cannot depart for my vacation until I depart.
One of the basic principles of bible interpretation is to allow the context to confirm the meaning. If a word has several shades of meaning or if it can be taken in either a literal or a metaphorical way, the context should tell you which shade is correct. This is one of those cases. Apostasia must be understood to be a forsaking, a defection or a departure from the faith, not from the earth.  Taken this way, not only does the verse make perfect sense, it can be confirmed by many other scriptures.
Mat 24:4-5And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Mat 24:11And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Acts 20:29-30For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
2Peter 2:1-2But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
2Tim 4:3-4For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
1Tim 4:1Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
These are just a few of the many warnings we are given throughout scripture revealing an increasingly apostate religious culture during the latter days. When we look around at the state of Christendom today with it’s plethora of heresies being taught as truth, can there be any doubt that the great falling away is upon us? How blind must one be to believe and teach that the idea of apostasy is false?
In a series of email exchanges, this gentleman told me that apostasy in this age was utterly impossible. He said today is the time spoken of by Joel in which God would pour out of His Spirit upon all flesh.
Joel 2:28And it shall come to pass afterward, [that] I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
He insisted that apostasy and outpouring could not occur together. He believes we are in a great end time revival and 30-40 thousand people per day are coming to the Lord. There are several problems with this view, not the least of which is where in the world did you get those numbers. Who's keeping that salvation scorecard? How can anyone know how many people are truly being saved daily in the world? Sounds to me like a number conjured out of whole cloth by some self promoting evangelist. But setting that aside, the scriptural answer to this is simple. The prophecy of Joel 2:28 was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost.
Acts 2:16-17But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
Peter says specifically that Joel’s prophecy was fulfilled on that day yet all the authors of the New testament, even Peter, warned about a latter days falling away. Even if you believe that the prophecy of Joel is continuing to be fulfilled in our day, you must admit that outpouring and apostasy will surely exist side by side in the earth. To say it must be one or the other flies in the face of scripture and presents a danger to all who hear and believe that lie.
2Thessalonians 2:1-3Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for [that Day will not come] unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,
This is really very simple to understand. Paul is telling the people at Corinth not to worry, they had not missed the coming of the Lord. The day would come but there were certain conditions that must first be met. Those conditions were a great falling away from the faith and the revelation of the man of sin aka the anti-christ. Furthermore he said that anyone who claims these conditions aren’t applicable is trying to deceive you.
2Thess 2:6-12And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth [will let], until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: [Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
In part two of this article we will examine 2 Thessalonians 2:6-11 to see what is being withheld and who or what is restraining.
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