Thursday, April 18, 2013

Peace And Assurance In A Time Of Chaos

Most people's attention are caught ONLY when tragedy strikes like the Boston Bombing, Texas explosion, Ohio flood and etc. Most start to get worried and wonder what is going on. Some become faint at heart, others are discouraged and seek answers. Somebody commented about this events on Facebook  
"Today CNN feels like horror movie marathon . . .
Boston bombing, 3 dead and almost 200 maimed, injured and a whole state traumatized
Texas fertilizer plant explosion 15 dead, 185 burnt and injured and fear of ammonia gas poisoning
Chicago flooding, over 500 flights canceled so far
Sink holes swallowing cars
... Justice of Peace and wife confessing to murdering DA and wife plus Asst DA for removing him as JP
Senate passing up gun control debate even after Newtown and Aurora shootings
Jesus pls take the remote control and change this channel or run commercials".
For the true believers, we are not surprised at all at the events unfolding before our eyes. Jesus and His other followers have given us prior warnings of future events. I wish i could tell you that things would get better, but it won't. Read Matthew 24 and you will get a very clear picture of our future. We need to all turn away from our sins, then par- adventure God will heal our land if our cup has not already run over. If massive chaos breaks out around us, the true believers in Jesus Christ know that Psalms 23 is assured us. God will see us THROUGH the storm. They will remain calm and trust in Him who is able to save.
Read the Bible people and you will really understand the times. You will not be running confused whenever distasters strike, Pray fervently that God will spare us from such tragedies. Be a light to the world. Be a blessing to your neighbour. Help others, think of others first. Die to SELF. Be like the Five Wise Virgins in the Bible. They were prepared and the other five were foolish. Though i walk through the valley of the shadows of death, i will fear no ever. For the One that watches over His creation is watching over me. Be blessed, and be still and know that He is God (Jesus).
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